Friday, July 13, 2007

Agar-agar pudding

Ingredients:2 wrapped the rêveuse powder of whip (cup kraft)2 of the
cold water of ice (250 cc)2 wrapped the agar-agar powder (the caster
sugar200 DC waterraspberry, cutter (untill of the gr. 14 gr)125 of
soft mixture) the cold water of ice of mixture of 200 ccMethod:1. with
the rêveuse shape of peak of untill of whip, leave it fresh in water,
sugar, and the untill of agar-agar boiled by dissolved refrigerator2.,
leave it that the untill warm3. add the raspbery of mixture and
strawberry3. adds the cream of whip in agar-agar heat, mix it fresh it
in the whole of untill of refrigerator.
The King Taco #15
the fresh thing

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